186 - Ghostbusters: The Video Game (PS3) Let's Play Retrospective


What would a podcast about a Ghostbusters property be if it didn't start with "Who you gonna call!?"

Well, we refuse to give you that satisfaction! Instead we dusted off our proton packs and picked up the eyebrow-raising cult classic 2009 Ghostbusters video game!

With Ghostbusters: Afterlife creeping into theatres across the world we figured it was a great time to take a look at how the franchise faired in the realm of gaming!

Before getting into the game we finally give our thoughts on Shang-Chi, catch up on Succession, and debate the merits of Bill Murray vs. Chevy Chase.

#Ghostbusters #GhostbustersAfterlife #Afterlife #GhostbustersTheGame #ShangChi #Succession #RetroGaming #GamersUnite #RetroGames #Gaming #LetsPlay #VideoGames #GamingPodcast #VideogamePodcast #RetroGamingPodcast #Nintendo64 #Podcast #NintendoSwitch #Nintendo #Gamecube #NES #SNES #SuperNintendo #Sega #Xbox #Microsoft #ClassicGames