Fatal Frame

Fatal Frame.jpg

Show Notes:

Oscar Noms!


#HorroribleEnemies Draft:

Andrew’s Team:

  • Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2)

  • The Sorrow (Metal Gear Solid 4)

  • Scarecrow (Batman Arkham Asylum)

  • The Witch (Left for Dead)

  • Little Sister (Bioshock)

Mikey’s Team:

  • Nemesis (Resident Evil 3)

  • Big Daddy (Bioshock)

  • Slenderman (Slenderman)

  • Pack of Zombie Dogs (Resident Evil)

  • Xenomorph (Alien: Isolation)


It's another chilling Feb-BOO-ary spook-a-thon with Fatal Frame!

Andrew and Mikey also each draft a team of classic horror game enemies and pit them against each other in the battle to end all battles!

We also run through Oscar Nominations and discover just how much of a scaredy cat Mikey is!

Is this game worth talking about almost 20 years later, or are we simply letting a few cheap scares colour the legacy of a game which is otherwise unremarkable?