B-B-B-B-BONUS! Comedy Bang Bang Snubs and Flubs
We've got a special b-b-b-bonus-s-s-s episode where we're paying homage to an article which paid homage to one of our favourite podcasts of all time! How exciting is that!?
Comedy Bang Bang has given us countless hours of entertainment, and Vulture writers Sean Malin and Rebecca Alter gave us the perfect excuse to talk "inside-baseball" using their countdown of the top 103 characters from the last 11 years.
Fans of CBB are not going to want to miss this one, and we're definitely going to want to hear your rankings.
Make sure to read the article here before listening: https://www.vulture.com/article/best-comedy-bang-bang-characters.html
Search "The Retrograde" on any podcast app!
Make sure to reach out to @Retrogradepod to let us know your rankings!
Show some love to the writers @cinemalins and @ralter and give their article a share!
Make sure to check out Julie Greiner @JulieAbridged, who designed the banner for the article!