Posts tagged mission impossible
Olympics Go! Paris 2024 Review

Skip this one, D-Pads!

Sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but this week we played through all that this year's Olympics video game had to offer, and we regret to inform you it MIGHT NOT be worth playing.

Olympics Go! Paris 2024 may sound like a confusing title (and that's because it is) but that's not where the pain ends.

Join us this week as we break down our entire experience playing the game, and try to come up with some positive things to say about it.

Make sure to catch the full gameplay segment where we play through each and every event this game has to offer here:

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The Video Game Olympics: Paris 2024!

Games Wide Open, D-Pads!

(That's the motto for this year's Olympics, for some reason!)

This week we get into the Olympic Spirit to celebrate everyone's favourite "once every four years" event!

While the world's greatest athletes descent upon Paris to test themselves against one another, we descend upon our podcast studio and sit on our butts to discuss which video game characters we think would be best suited to bring home medals of their own!

Can Luigi jump higher than Mario?

Would Kratos outbox Arthur Morgan?

Is Ecco the Dolphin a better swimmer than Sekiro?

Plus, Andrew has started his journey into Night Springs so we spend some time up front discussing his thoughts on Alan Wake 2!

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Was 2000 The Best Year in Gaming History? (Year 2000 Gaming Draft)

Y2K is real, D-Pads! This week we celebrate surviving the turn of the new millennium with a look back at what many consider to be one of the greatest years in video game history: 2000! Every time we do a deep dive on one of the great years in gaming it feels like we further complicate the debate as to which year was the best, and this time it's no different. Join us as we each draft a team of 6 games to represent the best of what this year had to offer. Plus: Andrew is finally touring Night City so we spend some time chatting about Cyberpunk 2077!

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Would You Rather (Gaming Edition)

Time to make some decisions, D-Pads!

This week we decided to have a little fun by posing some of the most difficult, quirky, and downright nonsensical

Would You Rather questions we could think of.

Would you rather always be star powered, or always be mini?

Would you rather spend your life in a Poke Ball, or inside Kirby's body?

Would you rather cure your ailments by eating hearts or rotisserie chickens?

All of these, and more!

Plus: Andrew has a PS5 now!

Send us your Would You Rather suggestions for future episodes!

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Stephen's Sausage Roll Review

Order up, D-Pads!

This week we decided to take some advice from the prolific game designer Jonathan Blow and try out what he described as one of the greatest puzzle games of all time: Stephen's Sausage Roll!

Back in 2016 it was more of a critical darling, but should this game have had more mass appeal?

Or is it too hard to hold the attention of a casual gamer?

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Greatest First Person Shooters of All Time (FPS Draft!)

Look here, D-Pads!

Whether you got your start with old PC games like Duke Nukem 3D, or huddled around a CRT screen with 3 of your buddies playing Goldeneye, First Person Shooters make up some of the most iconic and highly appreciated games of all time.

As games began the shift from 2D to 3D, icons of the industry like Doom and Wolfenstein appeared to be the front-runners in the ever evolving landscape of gaming perspectives.

This week we sat down to draft a team of our most highly appreciated First Person Shooters of all time!

Balancing single player stories with the likes of multiplayer mayhem and inarguable innovation, we try to pick the 5 most iconic games from the genre!

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Is Braid Still Worth Playing in 2024? (Anniversary Edition Review)

Let's go back in time, D-Pads!

But this time, it's not JUST to look at a retro game.

It's to look at a now-sixteen-year-old game with rewind mechanics at its core.

Braid first hit the scene in 2008 as a darling of the Indie Game community, and set Xbox Live Arcade up for a run which would change console gaming forever.

However, we didn't ALL get a chance to play it, so this week in celebration of the recent release of Braid, Anniversary Edition, Mikey guides Andrew through Jonathan Blow's masterpiece for the very first time.

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Summer Game Fest 2024: Everything You Need to Know

It's that time of year, D-Pads! The summer is upon us and that means one thing: new game announcements! While we're still a bit upset about the passing of E3, Summer Game Fest and its satellite showcases have done a great job picking up where it left off. This week we sit down to discuss all of our favourite trailers and announcements from Summer Game Fest, Xbox Games Showcase, Sony's State of Play, Devolver Direct, and more! Let us know which trailers we missed, and which games you're most excited about!

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Our Biggest Gamer Shames...

This week we sit down to discuss our biggest "Gamer Shames."

Sure, we've played a lot of games over our lives, but every so often we find ourselves ashamed of our own habits.

Whether it's a franchise we've never actually played, a game we hate which others seem to love, or a lie we've told others to make ourselves feel better: we're here to unleash it all on you!

We also took some responses from the community and the results were... unnerving.

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Will you Game until you Die? (Listener Questions Part 4!)

Pencils down, D-Pads!

We've received your questions and comments and have built up a backlog rivaling that of our unplayed video games.

We figured we'd take a week to plow through some of the unanswered listener questions which we've been sitting on!

Will we be gaming as old folks? Do we have any peripherals or games we REALLY regret selling?

Which games made us go from hating them to loving them, or vice versa? Plus: Mikey restarted Sekiro, and Andrew might be getting over Fortnite!

If you have questions you want featured on a future episode, e-mail them to us at!

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