Is Braid Still Worth Playing in 2024? (Anniversary Edition Review)


Let's go back in time, D-Pads!

But this time, it's not JUST to look at a retro game.

It's to look at a now-sixteen-year-old game with rewind mechanics at its core.

Braid first hit the scene in 2008 as a darling of the Indie Game community, and set Xbox Live Arcade up for a run which would change console gaming forever.

However, we didn't ALL get a chance to play it, so this week in celebration of the recent release of Braid, Anniversary Edition, Mikey guides Andrew through Jonathan Blow's masterpiece for the very first time.

Make sure to catch the gameplay portion of this week's episode where we play through the first few worlds of Braid here:

 Watch our gameplay segments and full video episodes over on our YouTube channel:

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